You’ll be more anonymous on the internet: your real IP address and location will be hidden. You’ll be safer on the internet: the encrypted tunnel will keep away hackers and cybercriminals, and your device won’t be as vulnerable to attacks. You’ll be freer on the internet: by using different IP addresses, you’ll be able to access websites and online services that would otherwise be blocked.

Do you want to start using a VPN? We recommend NordVPN. This VPN has a lot of options, offers strong security, and has performed well in our tests. It even managed to take the number one spot! VPNs encrypt your online traffic to reduce exposure, making sure that no one, not even your internet service, can see what you’re doing online. Once you’ve downloaded the VPN software, you can secure a device and access global content safely and freely with a simple click. But what is a VPN, and how exactly does it protect you and keep your activity anonymous? While they’re extremely easy to use, the tech behind VPNs can be a little tricky to grasp. We’ve broken it down in simple terms below and have some VPN recommendations so you can try them out yourself.

VPN Explained: What is a VPN?

When you’re using the internet, your device is constantly exchanging data with other parties on the web. Without even realizing it, you’re often giving websites and other prying eyes access to your real IP address (which gives away your true location), browsing history, operating system info, device identifiers, and plenty more. A VPN assigns you a new, anonymous IP address, reroutes your internet connection through a server in its network, and encrypts your data. This creates a secure tunnel between your device (e.g. smartphone or laptop) and the internet. It also masks your identity and online traffic from your internet service provider (ISP), government authorities, hackers, and other third parties. A good VPN ensures that this sensitive data and online activity stays hidden. Because you can choose where your server is located, it also helps you use the internet more freely by bypassing censorship or unblocking geo-restricted services such as Netflix, DisneyPlus, HBOMax, and more. Here’s a video we put together as a visual explainer:

How Does a VPN Work?

VPNs create a secure encrypted connection, also known as a VPN tunnel, between your device, and the remote server that you connect to, thus ensuring safe and secure data transfer. Want to know the ins and outs? Once the connection has been established, here’s how your data is transmitted through an encrypted tunnel. VPN apps run in the background on your device and do not interfere with anything else. They simply add an essential layer of security to your Wi-Fi network.

VPN Advantages: Why Use a VPN service?

There are eight major advantages to using a VPN. While some are more security and privacy-geared — like encrypting all your online browsing and downloading history — others are just generally useful and can help you pull off cool tricks like unblocking a streaming service’s entire international catalog. Below are the top eight VPN advantages:

1. Complete anonymity online

Without a VPN, your location and identity can be easily traced using your IP address. Your IP address is unique to your internet connection and can pinpoint your exact location. It’s your digital address, and websites, ISPs, trackers, and hackers can know if you’re at home, work, or at a particular cafe. It also connects your online behavior and activity back to you. A VPN hides your IP address and, therefore, your real location. When you use a VPN, your internet traffic is rerouted through an encrypted virtual tunnel, and your online activities can only be traced back to the IP of the VPN server, but no longer to you and your real IP address. Reliable VPN providers have strict no-log policies as well — meaning they don’t keep any record of your activity or browsing history, so it’s like your session never existed. By using a VPN, you ensure that websites, marketeers, streaming services, governments, and cybercriminals can no longer identify you, your real location, or your online activity. Connect to a VPN server in the Bahamas, and for all they know, that’s where you’d be.

2. Protection against hackers and governments

A VPN scrambles your data traffic through strong encryption protocols, which make intercepting and reading your data almost impossible. Why is this important? Well, in this day and age, there are a lot of parties that want to listen in or take a look at what you are doing online. There are many different parties that are interested in your internet traffic, among them are governments and cybercriminals. The security offered by a VPN makes it a lot harder for them to look at your data. However, we must mention that a VPN isn’t the ultimate solution to all things cybercrime. We always recommend combining a VPN with a good antivirus solution so that you’re covered on all bases. A VPN can’t protect your device against malware-injecting malicious links, for example.

3. Secure browsing on public networks

Using a public Wi-Fi network, like at an airport, hotel or cafe, can be risky. Other users on the same network (for example, those hackers and cybercriminals we mentioned) can easily tap into your data and personal information. Since you don’t want others to have access to, for instance, your email login, images/files, or credit card information, it’s wise to use a VPN connection on these hotspots. The VPN encrypts all of your data while you use the public Wi-Fi network. A hacker will only see encrypted matter and won’t be able to see or use your personal information.

4. Bypass online censorship

In many countries (we’ve compiled full guides on navigating censorship in China and Russia as just two examples), governments heavily censor the internet. Countries that impose strict censorship block access to certain internet services and websites. Examples of apps and websites that are often blocked are WhatsApp, Google, Instagram, YouTube, Skype, Spotify, or Facebook. Moreover, news websites and journalist platforms are often blocked because they are seen as a threat to the sitting government. In these countries, this censorship heavily impacts the freedom of speech of their citizens. In some Western countries, there are also online restrictions. For example, many regions block the Pirate Bay website because they do not want their citizens to download illegal content. A VPN can help you bypass censorship and restrictions by allowing you to connect to a server in a different country. By doing this, you can go online as if you were in that other country. This way, you can gain access to websites, services, and apps that are not available in your own country.

4. Bypass geographical restrictions

It’s not just countries that impose restrictions on the internet. Some online services also restrict access to their content in certain regions. This happens with streaming services that only have broadcasting or licensing rights in certain countries and not in others. If you are on holiday or you moved to a different country, you might be unable to view your usual streams. A VPN will also enable you to connect to the internet via servers in your home country, so you can watch your favorite show or access blocked websites again. It also works the other way around: if you want to gain access to websites or streaming services from a different country (for example to watch a different version of Netflix), you can do so with a VPN.

6. Anonymous downloading

Downloading certain torrents is illegal in some countries, and downloaders are tracked down and sometimes even prosecuted. Of course, we are not advocating any illegal actions. However, we do understand people want online privacy and anonymity, not just when browsing the internet, but also when uploading and downloading files. To make sure nobody knows what you are downloading or uploading, you can use a VPN. Because of the encrypted traffic and the rerouted IP address, a VPN helps you download anonymously.

7. Secure access to your company’s network

If there’s any lingering effect from the pandemic, we’ve seen more and more companies giving people the opportunity to work from home or wherever they like. In such instances, a remote access VPN can be very beneficial to let employees connect to a company’s internal network from anywhere, safely and efficiently. There are many VPNs built especially for business use. While they might not serve to unblock streaming services abroad, they are certainly useful in protecting private and sensitive company data. Of course, some people may work for smaller companies that don’t operate under strong cybersecurity protocols. Connecting to their company’s internal system with a VPN like NordVPN or Surfshark would offer the layer of protection needed to protect sensitive company data from malicious outsiders.

8. Prevent companies for tracking you

Advertising networks are constantly collecting information about you through your online traffic. You might be shocked to find out what Facebook knows about you, not to mention Google and Twitter. With this information, they can show you tailored ads, but more importantly, they are free to sell this information to a third party. By encrypting your data using a VPN, these networks will have a harder time collecting information on you. Which means they will also have less influence on what you see online. Though big tech will always find ways to track users logged in to their platforms (more on that in the next section), VPNs provide protection from digital files.

VPN Limitations: Are There Any Risks?

A virtual private network has a lot to offer when it comes to privacy and security. However, it’s not the end all be all of cybersecurity and privacy. To browse the web safely and anonymously, you’ll need to observe some extra privacy measures. For instance, you’ll still have to clear your cookies regularly. Moreover, there are also certain limitations to VPNs. Below, we’ve listed five possible limitations to consider when opting for a VPN.

Big tech profiling: Let’s say you’re logged in to your Google account. You can be connected to a VPN on the other side of the world, and Google will still be able to create a profile of you as an internet user. After all, they’ll simply correlate your search history with your account information, regardless of whether you change your IP address or not. The same is true for services like Facebook. GPS tracking: There are more ways in which online entities can determine your identity, which a VPN doesn’t protect you from. When using Google Maps, for instance, you’re often required to turn on GPS. This means Google Maps can see exactly where you are. There are also more advanced ways that are used to identify internet users, such as browser fingerprinting. This method uses your browser’s and device’s settings to distinguish you from other internet users. Internet slowdown: Moreover, a VPN can slow down your internet. Your data has to be sent through the VPN server, which means it can take slightly longer to end up where it needs to be. However, there are several effective ways to increase internet speeds while connected to a VPN. VPN blockades: And then there’s the fact that VPN users are sometimes actively thwarted. VPNs are banned in some countries. There are also websites, apps and services that will deny you access if they detect you are using a VPN. Poor service providers: Additionally, you should be especially cautious about free VPNs. These are notorious for compromising your security and selling your data to third parties, which can be even worse than not using a VPN at all. You should always do your own research and never just pick a VPN at random. Our list of the top five best VPNs of the year is an excellent start.

In other words, a VPN does significantly improve your online privacy and safety and is a vital part of your privacy and security precautions. However, it’s important to be aware of the limitations that VPNs have and the additional measures required to compensate for these limitations. Fortunately, we have an article that highlights these measures and helps you to be anonymous online.

Is a VPN Safe?

VPN safety is an important factor to consider. Your internet traffic is redirected and runs through the servers of your chosen VPN provider. So, the VPN provider company could see everything you do if it wanted to. Therefore, it’s crucial to choose a trusted VPN that does not keep logs of user data that can be shared with third parties. NordVPN and ExpressVPN have both undergone multiple independent audits to prove they keep no logs of VPN users‘ activities. On the other hand, many VPN providers indulge in shady privacy practices and sell your data to advertisers, for example. This is especially the case with many free VPNs. These are often not safe because they don’t have the right security options (like Tuxler VPN, for example) or abuse your IP address by assigning it to someone else (like Hola VPN). Therefore, it’s important to do your research about a VPN before using it. We’ll give you a few recommendations for good and secure VPN services later in this article.

Does a VPN Slow Down Your Internet Connection?

A VPN may slow down your internet connection a little bit, but that depends on a variety of factors. A VPN provides an encrypted connection wherein your data is routed through a remote server. This takes longer, so it could slow down your internet connection. However, this isn’t always the case. There are many VPNs that do everything in their power to make your internet connection as fast as it can be (and sometimes even faster than you’re used to). If you want to make sure you end up with a fast VPN, check out our research on the fastest VPNs at this moment. All the VPNs we recommend are proven to work perfectly and cause little to no delays. Streaming, gaming, and browsing will go as fast as normal, only with increased freedom, security, and privacy. Further, if your internet speed is artificially restricted by your internet service provider or another party, a VPN can actually make your connection faster. The VPN ensures this limit no longer applies to you, so you can use the full potential of your connection.

Using a VPN is absolutely legal in most countries around the world. VPN use is perfectly legal in Canada, the US, and all parts of Europe. It’s also legal in many countries in Asia. However, there are some countries that ban VPN use, such as Iraq or North Korea, which may expose you to fines or even imprisonment. On the contrary: many official companies and businesses work with VPNs and recommend their use. The European Union, too, supports internet freedom, which a VPN can give you. Many countries consider the use of a VPN completely legal. Routine activities, such as browsing, gaming, or streaming movies and television, are not a problem at all — as long as your abiding by a company’s terms and conditions. Of course, conducting illegal activities via a VPN remains unlawful and punishable. For instance, if you are caught using a VPN to download illegal files, such as unofficial copies of movies and music, you could get in trouble with the law. While the VPN gives you more anonymity online and makes it a lot harder for officials to trace you down, the downloading in and of itself is still illegal. There are a couple of countries that do consider the use of a VPN illegal. If you’d like to know more about these countries and the legal and illegal use of VPNs in general, we’ve compiled a full guide about VPN legality. Using a VPN in most of the (Western) world won’t get you into trouble. On the contrary: we’d recommend it.

What is a VPN Protocol?

A VPN protocol is like a set of rules or instructions that determine how your data is routed between your device and the VPN server. VPN connections use an encrypted tunnel to transmit your data. These secure tunnels are created through VPN protocols that ensure a safe and secure connection. We have created a detailed guide to VPN protocols, but here’s a quick summary of the different protocols offered by a VPN service:

OpenVPN: OpenVPN is a widely used protocol. It’s an open-source protocol that uses encryption based on the OpenSSL and SSLv3/TLSv1 protocols. Most VPN services support OpenVPN and it’s available for a lot of different operating systems and platforms, such as Windows, MacOS, Android, iOS, Linux, and routers). Most consider OpenVPN to be the best choice. IPsec/L2TP: This protocol combines IPsec for the encryption of data with L2TP for establishing a secure connection. Most operating systems include IPsec/L2TP, which is a good choice when OpenVPN isn’t available. IKEv2/IPsec: IKEv2 is a protocol based on IPSec. This protocol can quickly connect to and switch between networks. This makes it an ideal choice for smartphones because these devices tend to switch between Wi-Fi networks and public Wi-Fi networks regularly. According to some sources, IKEv2 is faster than OpenVPN. Nevertheless, OpenVPN is seen as the better protocol. PPTP: PPTP (Point to Point Tunneling Protocol) is one of the first widely used protocols. This protocol contains a few (potential) leaks. For this reason, its use is only advisable if speed is more important to you than safety. This could be the case if you want to bypass restrictions set up by streaming services. Softether: Softether, unlike other VPN protocols mentioned so far, is not a stand-alone protocol, but an open-source application that works across different platforms and offers support to VPN protocols such as SSL VPN, L2TP/IPsec, OpenVPN, and Microsoft Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol. WireGuard: WireGuard is a relatively new protocol that has been gaining popularity. It runs on a Linux kernel and is aimed at performing even better than OpenVPN and IPsec. It’s still in development, so you’re better off using OpenVPN for now.

How to Set Up Your VPN

Setting up a virtual private network is usually quite straightforward. All it requires is signing up for a VPN provider of your choice, installing its VPN apps on your devices, establishing a secure VPN connection, and then using the internet as usual. Most VPNs offer software for all types of devices and operating systems. You can download a VPN client for all major operating systems, including: Windows, Mac, iPhone, Android, and Linux. There’s also the option to install a VPN on your Wi-Fi router, which means all devices connecting to the VPN will automatically be routed through a secure VPN connection. Here’s a quick guide to signing up for and using a VPN service.

Step 1: Subscribe to a trustworthy VPN service

It’s vital to choose a good VPN provider that’s safe, reliable, fast, and user-friendly. We have tested 70+ VPN providers on their performance and usability. Most good VPN providers offer trials, so you can check out their service free of charge. If you’d like to get started with a safe, effective, and affordable VPN, we recommend either SurfShark, NordVPN, or ExpressVPN. We tested these providers extensively and found them to be very suitable for beginners, as they are easy to understand and set up, while also being very fast. Moreover, these three VPNs allow you to secure multiple devices with a single subscription and offer a 30-day money-back guarantee. This way you can try them for a month without being locked into a long-term subscription. Furthermore, using the links and buttons on our website will get you a discount with these providers. Alternatively, there are some free VPN providers that offer a secure VPN connection with a few limitations such as restricted features, speed caps, and data limits. Our top recommendations are Proton VPN and PrivadoVPN. Just like with paid VPNs, you need to go to their website and sign up for an account to begin using the service.

Step 2. Download the VPN app

Now that you’ve signed up for your preferred VPN provider, you simply need to download the VPN app of this provider on your Android, iOS, Windows, Mac, or other device. Visit the website of your VPN provider to find the necessary software. Don’t download from a different source, as these downloads might contain malware. Once you’ve successfully downloaded and installed the software, you’ll be able to log in. If you want to learn how to install a VPN on a specific device, such as a smartphone or smart TV, the installation may vary, depending on your device and operating system. Here are just a few popular guides we’ve compiled in our VPN Setup section:

Setting up a VPN connection on Windows Setting up a VPN on MacOS How to Set up a VPN on Android: A step-by-step guide Setting up a VPN on your iPhone or iPad (iOS) Installing a VPN for your Smart TV

Step 3. Activate the VPN app and start browsing the internet safely and freely

In your VPN client app, click or tap the “Connect” or “On” switch to establish a VPN connection. Your IP address (and digital location) will be swapped with an anonymous IP address of your choosing, and your data and traffic will be encrypted and protected. You can also select a specific server location that can help you bypass censorship and geo-blocks. For instance, if you are an American on holiday in the Netherlands, you can still watch American Netflix by connecting to a U.S. server on your VPN.

The Top 3 VPN Recommendations for 2023

We’ve already made a list of the best VPN providers that are trustworthy and value for money. Below, we’ll give a brief summary of our top three picks that will work on all the above operating systems.

1. NordVPN: Best overall VPN


5,000+ servers in 59 countries Best overall for cybersecurity and privacy protection Unmatched speeds, unblocking capability, and user-friendliness

NordVPN is the best VPN provider we’ve tested. It offers great security and privacy without compromising on speed. It has apps for all your devices and allows up to six simultaneous connections on a single subscription. NordVPN apps are incredibly user-friendly and offer advanced options like dedicated IP addresses and obfuscated servers, which make it easier to circumvent geo-restrictions, such as those enforced by Netflix. Therefore, this VPN service works seamlessly to unblock Netflix and all other major streaming services, such as Disney Plus, Hulu, HBO, and BBC iPlayer. On top of that, it offers a 30-day money-back guarantee which means you can try out the service and get a refund if you’re not satisfied. It also has very affordable deals, especially on its long-term subscriptions. If you’re interested, you read our full NordVPN review or check out their discounts by clicking the button below.

2. Surfshark: Best bang for your buck


3,200+ servers in 100 countries Private DNS and leak protection High speeds, rapid-fire connections and excellent unblocking capability

Just like NordVPN, Surfshark is another of the best VPNs we’ve tested so far. It’s fast, secure, and offers 3,200+ servers in 65 countries. It’s also available on all major devices and is easy to use. It works seamlessly with streaming services like Netflix and allows torrenting too. Furthermore, Surfshark offers plenty of additional features like ad blocking and GPS spoofing. All in all, it’s a great choice for both beginners and experienced users alike. The best part is that it is incredibly affordable, particularly if you go with the offer we have. If you’d like to try it out, click the button in the box below to visit their website. You can also give it a trial run using their 30-day money-back guarantee. Check out our full Surfshark review for a deep dive into this provider, or just visit their site via the orange button below.

3. ExpressVPN: Simplicity and speed


3,000+ servers in 94 countries Network Lock kill switch VPN split tunneling

Although pricier than NordVPN and Surfshark, ExpressVPN is one of the largest and most popular VPN services in the world. It offers almost everything you could want in a VPN provider, such as 3,000+ stable servers in 94 countries, great speeds, and top-notch security. It supports streaming and torrenting anonymously and works on all devices, including Android, Windows, iPhone, Mac, and Linux. A major plus point is that the app is available in over ten languages. ExpressVPN can still be counted as one of the most reliable premium VPN services out there. It offers a 30-day money-back guarantee so you can test the service before committing to it. To learn more about ExpressVPN, click the button in the box below or read our full ExpressVPN review.

How to Choose a VPN Provider

Above, we’ve shown you our three top VPN providers, but there are hundreds of companies that offer commercial VPNs. Just type “VPN” into Google or the App Store or Play Store, and you’ll see a dizzying amount of VPN services and apps. But how can you pick the best VPN for your needs? Here are some key things to consider when making a choice:

Strong encryption and protocols: Ensure that the VPN you pick uses the industry standard 256-bit encryption to keep your data safe. It should also use secure protocols as explained above. Kill switch: A kill switch prevents your private information from leaking through when your secure VPN connection drops. So, it’s a vital feature to look for when picking a VPN app. Some VPNs do not have a kill switch or only offer it on certain platforms like Windows or Android. Server network: A VPN’s network of server locations is important so that you can connect to a server in the country that you need to. A strong server network also ensures good speeds and reliability. Jurisdiction: It’s helpful to check where a VPN is located as this may have privacy implications. For instance, VPNs located in a 5, 9 or 14 eyes country are generally subject to laws that can hamper your privacy. This affects the kind of user data VPN providers can store and for how long they need to store it. No logs: The best VPNs do not log or track anything about your online activities so that you can rest assured about your privacy. However, there are many shady services that claim to keep no logs but do not strictly stick to these claims. So, it’s important to check a VPN provider’s privacy policy to understand how it handles your data. Privacy Policy: Check a VPN’s privacy policy to make sure that it is transparent about what data it collects about you and how this data is handled. A good service will not collect unnecessary data about your or share it with third parties while unscrupulous services often do this to profit off your data.

It can be challenging to check all these features so we’ve helped you out by testing 70+ VPN providers to weed out the poor services and the downright dangerous ones! You can find everything you need to know about our testing and the results in our VPN review section. Further, check out the list below to get an idea of the number of services out there, including links to our individual review of each.

This is just a small selection of all available VPN providers. There are some really good VPNs on the market, a lot of mediocre VPNs, and even more bad, misleading, or even dangerous VPNs. At VPNOverview we analyze developments in the VPN industry, read independent audit reports, and monitor lawsuits involving VPN providers to ensure accurate reporting. Unfortunately, quite a few VPN providers have fallen off their pedestal over the years. This might be because lawsuits showed that they secretly kept logs of users (HMA, PureVPN, and IPVanish, to mention a few). In addition, there are also some VPNs that are linked to questionable governments. Therefore, choosing a reliable VPN is a must. After all, you redirect all your internet traffic via this party. You have to be able to rely 100% on the good intentions and integrity of the VPN provider you choose.

VPN providers for businesses

In addition to VPNs for consumers, there are also VPN solutions for businesses. Large companies and governments can use these VPN solutions to allow employees and other authorized people to access the network remotely. Below is a small selection of popular business VPN providers:

Perimeter81 NordVPN Teams Cisco AnyConnect FortiClient Pulse Connect Secure Citrix GlobalProtect Sentry Zscaler Netmotion Twingate

Why is Online Security Important?

Maybe you’re wondering if the use of a VPN is really necessary. Well, a VPN offers more anonymity, safety and freedom online. This is more important than ever before, because an increasing part of our lives takes place online. We do our banking, keep in touch with friends, check our medical records, and work online. It’s important that all this information about you stays safe. You wouldn’t just leave your bank invoices lying around on the street, so you’ll have to take that same kind of caution when it comes to your online data. If you do not secure your internet connection, you run the risk that hackers, governments, your internet provider, websites, your employer, and others will find out more about you than you would like. A VPN shields your data from all of these groups. Most people will know that the things you share online, for instance on Facebook or Instagram, can haunt you for the rest of your life. In the same way, everything you do online can have a lasting effect. What if a hacker can see where you do your finances online? Or what if your employer knows you spend your time on social media during work hours? A VPN might not offer complete guarantees that you’ll never be hacked. However, a VPN will considerably lessen the chance that anyone can see your personal data, browser history, and other online activities.

Final Thoughts: What is a VPN?

A VPN, or virtual private network, is a secure connection between you and the internet. It hides your identity and online activity from your internet service provider, governments, and the websites you visit. This ensures greater online privacy and security. In addition, VPNs help to circumvent censorship and geographical blocks to ensure a freer internet, no matter where you are in the world. For the most part, VPN usage is safe and legal. However, sometimes certain websites and apps may not be accessible via VPN connections. Moreover, some countries ban VPN usage and you may get in trouble if found to be using one. At the same time, you should be cautious about choosing a VPN because there are many shady companies out there that compromise your privacy under the guise of providing you with their service. Therefore, it’s important to do your research before signing up for any VPN. Some premium services we highly recommend are:

NordVPN Surfshark ExpressVPN

These VPNs offer all the features you need for just a few dollars a month. You can even take advantage of their 30-day money-back guarantees to try out the service before committing to it. If money is an issue, there are also some reliable free providers, like the free versions of ProtonVPN and PrivadoVPN. However, they come with limited features compared to paid services. For the technically inclined, it’s even possible to build your own VPN. Want to learn more about VPNs and why you should use one? Check out our other articles:

How to Download a VPN in Three Easy Steps VPN vs. Antivirus: Do You Need Both? What’s the Difference? What is a Cracked VPN and is it Safe to Use? How to Buy A VPN Completely Anonymously

There are also free VPNs. You don’t pay for these, but limits on data or speed may apply. There is also a large number of free VPN providers that abuse your data or resell it to others. Always read reviews of VPNs to see if they are suitable for you.

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